An Advanced Title IX Webinar:
Update on Investigating Misgendering and Other Gender Identity Complaints


Available to rent for a 24 hour period, from when payment is made.
Includes training materials available to download.
Time: 57 minutes

In this advanced-level webinar, T9 Mastered’s Nora Rohman (they/she) will bring participants up-to-date on this fast-changing topic as new legislation affecting trans people continues to be proposed. Their presentation will offer trauma-informed approaches and practical tools for investigators and Title IX administrators addressing allegations that involve transgender and gender non-conforming individuals. Through case hypotheticals, this presentation will provide a deeper dive into investigating complaints of misgendering of students and/or employees. The presentation will also touch on issues of harassment and bullying of trans and gender non-conforming students, and issues around the use of gendered campus spaces, such as restrooms and locker-rooms.

A member of the T9 faculty, Nora is a senior investigator at Public Interest Investigations, Inc. in Los Angeles, where their caseload includes workplace and Title IX investigations involving LGBTQI+ individuals. She is an Association of Workplace Investigators certificate holder (AWI-CH). Nora regularly shares her expertise on this topic by offering training and other presentations to campuses and professional organizations.

This webinar would be beneficial for investigators, hearing officers, managers and other professionals who address student or employee complaints on campuses or in the workplace.

Nora has extensive experience with education and activism in the LGBTQ community.
Past webinars are available in the Training Center.

Visit the Training Center to access the video and training materials just like you had attended.

An Advanced Title IX Webinar:
Update on Investigating Misgendering and Other Gender Identity Complaints


Available to rent for a 24 hour period, from when payment is made.
Includes training materials available to download.
Time: 57 minutes

In this advanced-level webinar, T9 Mastered’s Nora Rohman (they/she) will bring participants up-to-date on this fast-changing topic as new legislation affecting trans people continues to be proposed. Their presentation will offer trauma-informed approaches and practical tools for investigators and Title IX administrators addressing allegations that involve transgender and gender non-conforming individuals. Through case hypotheticals, this presentation will provide a deeper dive into investigating complaints of misgendering of students and/or employees. The presentation will also touch on issues of harassment and bullying of trans and gender non-conforming students, and issues around the use of gendered campus spaces, such as restrooms and locker-rooms.

A member of the T9 faculty, Nora is a senior investigator at Public Interest Investigations, Inc. in Los Angeles, where their caseload includes workplace and Title IX investigations involving LGBTQI+ individuals. She is an Association of Workplace Investigators certificate holder (AWI-CH). Nora regularly shares her expertise on this topic by offering training and other presentations to campuses and professional organizations.

This webinar would be beneficial for investigators, hearing officers, managers and other professionals who address student or employee complaints on campuses or in the workplace.

Nora has extensive experience with education and activism in the LGBTQ community.
Past webinars are available in the Training Center.

Visit the Training Center to access the video and training materials just like you had attended.