Putting Facts into Focus:
A Title IX Writing Workshop

When: October 24, 2023 • 10:00 am – 1:00 pm (PT)

The parties and witnesses have been interviewed, and other evidence has been collected and reviewed. As the investigator, your next step is to prepare a written report that lays out the facts for multiple audiences – the parties, campus administrators, the hearing officer, and possibly legal counsel and the courts. You may also be required to prepare written analyses and findings related to the allegations.

For many Title IX professionals, writing an investigative report or drafting a well-reasoned decision is the most difficult part of the job.

In this informative workshop, T9 faculty Liz DeChellis and Katherine Guilford give you the tools and techniques to achieve clear, concise, and well-organized written reports and findings. Drawing on their vast experience managing investigations and conducting campus hearings, Liz and Katherine dive into the writing and analytical processes that are fundamental to producing a solid and defensible product.

Addressing the specific challenges of Title IX complaints, this program covers:

  • Neutral language and terminology
  • Relevance and how it informs the writing process
  • Creating a clear and succinct narrative that all readers can follow
  • Material disputed and undisputed facts
  • Elements of a reasoned analysis or decision using policy language


$350 – Early registration (until Oct 10)
$400 – Regular registration (starting Oct 11)

Discount rates available for multiple attendees from the same campus, company or organization.

2 – 5 Registrants 5% Discount
6 – 10 Registrants 10% Discount
10+ Registrants 15% Discount

Please contact [email protected] to receive a discount code for your organization.

Continuing Education Certificates

Each participant will receive a Certificate of Completion issued by T9 Mastered. In addition, participants can request MCLE certificates of attendance from the State Bar of California.

  • The training is approved for 3.0 hours of MCLE credit from the State Bar of California.
  • If you are licensed as an attorney in another state and your state accepts out-of-state CLE credit, upon request T9 Mastered can provide assistance to help you obtain CLE credit in that state.
T9 Faculty Presenting
Past webinars are available in the Training Center.

Visit the Training Center to access the video and training materials just like you had attended.

Putting Facts into Focus:
A Title IX Writing Workshop

When: October 24, 2023 • 10:00 am – 1:00 pm (PT)

The parties and witnesses have been interviewed, and other evidence has been collected and reviewed. As the investigator, your next step is to prepare a written report that lays out the facts for multiple audiences – the parties, campus administrators, the hearing officer, and possibly legal counsel and the courts. You may also be required to prepare written analyses and findings related to the allegations.

For many Title IX professionals, writing an investigative report or drafting a well-reasoned decision is the most difficult part of the job.

In this informative workshop, T9 faculty Liz DeChellis and Katherine Guilford give you the tools and techniques to achieve clear, concise, and well-organized written reports and findings. Drawing on their vast experience managing investigations and conducting campus hearings, Liz and Katherine dive into the writing and analytical processes that are fundamental to producing a solid and defensible product.

Addressing the specific challenges of Title IX complaints, this program covers:

  • Neutral language and terminology
  • Relevance and how it informs the writing process
  • Creating a clear and succinct narrative that all readers can follow
  • Material disputed and undisputed facts
  • Elements of a reasoned analysis or decision using policy language


$350 – Early registration (until Oct 10)
$400 – Regular registration (starting Oct 11)

Discount rates available for multiple attendees from the same campus, company or organization.

2 – 5 Registrants 5% Discount
6 – 10 Registrants 10% Discount
10+ Registrants 15% Discount

Please contact [email protected] to receive a discount code for your organization.

Continuing Education Certificates

Each participant will receive a Certificate of Completion issued by T9 Mastered. In addition, participants can request MCLE certificates of attendance from the State Bar of California.

  • The training is approved for 3.0 hours of MCLE credit from the State Bar of California.
  • If you are licensed as an attorney in another state and your state accepts out-of-state CLE credit, upon request T9 Mastered can provide assistance to help you obtain CLE credit in that state.
T9 Faculty Presenting
Past webinars are available in the Training Center.

Visit the Training Center to access the video and training materials just like you had attended.